



Hugo 0.111.3-ext

Docker 24.0.6
Docker Composer v2.22.0-desktop.2


どのようにすれば設定できるかについて調べてみたところ、どうやら OGPを設定する必要があるらしい。
The Open Graph protocol をみてみたところ、 metaタグに og:title, og:imageなどの要素を入れてあげることで設定できるようだ。



  • OGP画像はどのように用意するのか?
  • Hugoでmetaタグの設定ができるのか?


そこで、 を見つけ、この中にある事例を参考にしてみたところ、Ladicle/tcardgen | GitHub が良さそうだった。
これであれば、 テンプレート画像を用意するだけであとは自動で生成してくれるのでこれを使用させていただくことにした。

2点目の metaタグの設定についてだが、これは以前 GoogleAnalyticsを設定した際(GoogleAnalyticsをHugo Blogに導入する)に、layouts/partials/custom_head.htmlを作成して、その中にAnalyticsの設定を書いたなというのがあったので問題なさそうだ。


Ladicle/tcardgen | GitHubを見ると、テンプレート画像を用意して、そのあとコマンド実行という流れなのでその通りに実行する。



これを、 static/images/card.pngとして保存しておいた。


Ladicle/tcardgen | GitHubを使用するにあたって、ローカル環境で動作させる必要がある。
そのため、Hugoで使用している docker-composeの構成に、追加でtcardgenを使用できるイメージを作成する必要があった。


    image: klakegg/hugo:0.111.3-ext-ubuntu
    entrypoint: tail -f /dev/null
      - .:/src
      - "1313:1313"
+ tcardgen:
+   build: 
+     context: ./Docker/tcardgen
+   volumes:
+     - .:/blog


FROM golang:1.21.6-bookworm

RUN mkdir -p /blog

# FYI:
RUN go install
RUN git clone /tmp/tcardgen

RUN apt-get install -y git
RUN git clone /tmp/kinto

CMD ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]


    make up
    docker compose exec tcardgen bash

    make up
    docker compose exec tcardgen sh -c "\
    find /blog/content -name "*.md" -type f | \
    xargs tcardgen -f /tmp/kinto/'Kinto Sans' \
    -o /blog/static/tcard \
    -t /blog/static/images/card.png"

上記の使い方としては、make tcardgen-generateをすることで、static/tcard/いかにイメージが生成される。

内容の解説としては、Makefile内の tcardgen-generateのコマンドとして、 find /blog/content -name "*.md" -type f で記事内のコンテンツ(*.md)を検索し、
それをパイプで xargstcardgenコマンドに渡す。
tcardgenのオプションとして、-fKinto Sansフォントを指定し、 -o(アウトプット)で、/blog/static/tcardを指定する。
ちなみに、 /blog/static/tcardは、ホストとバインドマウントしており、 ホスト側のstatic/tcard/になる。
-tで テンプレートを指定する (/blog/static/images/card.png)。これは先ほど作成した画像を指定している。


make tcardgen-generate
make up
docker compose up -d
[+] Building 0.0s (0/0)                                                                                                  docker:desktop-linux
[+] Running 2/0
 ✔ Container blog-hugo-hugo-1      Running                                                                                               0.0s 
 ✔ Container blog-hugo-tcardgen-1  Running                                                                                               0.0s 
docker compose exec tcardgen sh -c "\
                find /blog/content -name "*.md" -type f | \
                xargs tcardgen -f /tmp/kinto/'Kinto Sans' \
                -o /blog/static/tcard \
                -t /blog/static/images/card.png"
Load fonts from "/tmp/kinto/Kinto Sans"
Load template from "/blog/static/images/card.png" directory
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/senior-thesis.png
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/recentry-2020-02-3w.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/recentry-2020-02-2w.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/recentry-2020-04-4w.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/recentry-2020-02-1w.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/recentry-2020-02-5w.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/recentry-2020-02-4w.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/recentry-2020-04-1w.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/recentry-2020-01-2w.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/recentry-2020-01-3w.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/recentry-2020-03-1w.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/recentry-2020-03-3w.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/recentry-2020-03-2w.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/recentry-2020-01-4w.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/introduction.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/book-2024-01.png
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/recentry-2020-03-4w.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/pass-fp2.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/pass-bookkeeping3.png
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/resolution-2023y.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/buy-benq-mobiuz-ex2510s.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/pass-db.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/pass-fp3.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/review-2023y.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/resolution-2024y.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/pass-nw.png
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/recentry-2022-07-4w.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/client-character-set.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/mysql-replication.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/compare-tables-with-checksum-statement.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/mysql-case-sensitive.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-mysql-tuner.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/mysql-create-history-table-with-trigger.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-sql-with.png
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/login-form-save-password-dialog.png: "categories" is not defined or empty
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/setting-ogp-and-x-card-for-hugo.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/web-develop-watch-list.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/play-2048.png
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/valheim-migrate-from-local-to-ec2-server.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/valheim-server-ec2-arm-instance.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/docker-lamp.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/ssh-2fa-for-docker.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/docker-autoheal.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/vue2-to-vue3.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/failed-to-find-a-valid-digest.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/eol-notify-python.png
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-18.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-28.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/go-competitive-programming-code-01.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-29.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-19.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-1.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-26.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-12.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-5.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-16.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-22.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-4.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-17.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-23.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-27.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-13.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-7.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-14.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-20.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-3.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-24.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-10.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-2.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-25.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-11.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-6.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-15.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-21.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-9.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/build-web-application-with-golang-8.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/go-competitive-programming-code-02.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/convert-html-to-pdf-with-headless-chrome.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/refactor-vue3-composition-api.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-chatgpt-api.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/renew-article.png
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/ai-kiritan-play.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/building-gitlab-on-ec2.png: "author" is not defined or empty
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-elemental-media-convert.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/aws-backup-success-job-notifications.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/send-mail-ec2-with-postfix-use-aws-ses.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/remove-exif.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-figure-code-jane.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-markdown-vscode-extension.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-exiftool.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-github-connect-with-ssh-over-https.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/diff-two-files-with-vscode.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/what-i-think-about-when-migrating-php-versions-to-vanilla-php.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-sl.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-countdown.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-pdfcrack.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/reduce-volume-ebs.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/git-attention.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-flock.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/apache-tomcat-configuration-to-let-apache-handle-static-resources.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/convert-heic-to-png-with-imagemagick.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-qrencode.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-ntpdate.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-apvlv.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/mount-wasabi-bucket-with-aws-cli.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-watch.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/ec2-attach-volume.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/install-lightbox2-to-hugo-blog.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-csvtomd.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-bash-shortcut.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-slack-notifications-gitlab.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-yum-whatprovides-option.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/convert-html-to-pdf.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/nginx-before-tls-1_1-disable.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-xargs.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-apg.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/git-mv.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/rescue-ec2-instance.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-pdftocairo.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-webp.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-zcat.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/convert-excel-to-pdf.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/ec2-eni-take-over-ip.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/create-certificates-with-san.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-fcrackzip.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-aamath.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-rlogin-portforward.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/install-gitlab-update-script-amzn-2023-to-2023.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-codequery.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/lost-aws-ec2-keypair.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-barcode.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-circumflex.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/list-files-modified-after-the-specify-datetime.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-pdfunite.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-logrotate.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-busybox.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-calc.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/fix-code-quote-shaping.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-cbm.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-ansiweather.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-tesseract.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-pdfseparate.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-jq.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-csview.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-colordiff.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/update-hugo-version-from-0.110-to-0.111.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-md5-sum.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/construct-gitlab-runner-docker.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/gitlab-mr-review-with-chatgpt-2.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/gitlab-mr-review-with-chatgpt.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/construct-hugo-docker.png
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/vscode-php.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/vscode-nuxt.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/upgrade-gitlab-15-to-16.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/docker-init.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/construct-eol-apache-tomcat.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/construct-gitlab-ce-docker.png
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/using-cvs2git.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/construct-apache-tomcat-mysql-to-amazonlinux2023-with-ansible.png
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/migrate-from-s3-to-wasabi.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-cloudflare-ddns.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/construct-gitlab-ce-with-ansible.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/construct-ec2-public-private-subnet-alb.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/use-ansible-the-first-time.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/deploy-portfolio-to-vercel.png
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/construct-ec2-simple-architecture-with-terraform.png
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/migrate-from-route53-to-cloudflare.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/emulate-raspbian-os-with-qemu.png: "categories" is not defined or empty
Success to generate twitter card into /blog/static/tcard/introduction-google-analytics-for-hugo.png
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/hugo-theme-update.png: "tags" is not defined or empty
Failed to generate twitter card for /blog/static/tcard/about.png: "author" is not defined or empty
2024/01/23 05:53:55 failed to generate 62 twitter cards
make: *** [tcardgen-generate] Error 123






{{/* NOTE: These Hugo Internal Templates can be found starting at */}}
{{- template "_internal/opengraph.html" . -}}
{{- template "_internal/schema.html" . -}}
{{- template "_internal/twitter_cards.html" . -}}

となっているので、 _internalopengraph.html, twitter_cards.htmlにOGP画像のmetaタグが入っているようだった。


<!-- General -->
<meta property="og:url" content="{{ .Permalink }}" />
<meta property="og:type" content="{{ if .IsHome }}website{{ else }}article{{ end }}" />
<meta property="og:site_name" content="{{ .Site.Title }}" />
<meta property="og:title" content="{{ .Title }}" />
<meta property="og:description" content="{{ with .Description -}}{{ . }}{{ else -}}{{ if .IsPage }}{{ substr .Summary 0 300 }}{{ else }}{{ with .Site.Params.description }}{{ . }}{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }}" />
<meta property="og:image" content="{{ if .Params.thumbnail -}}{{ .Params.thumbnail|absURL }}{{- else if and .File (hasPrefix .File.Path "post") -}}{{ path.Join "tcard" (print .File.BaseFileName ".png") | absURL }}{{ else -}}{{ "img/default.png" | absURL }}{{ end -}}" />
<!-- Twitter -->
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" />
<meta name="twitter:site" content="@{{ .Site.Params.twitterName }}" />

これら成果物を masterpushする。


masterpush後に netlifyでのデプロイが走るので、下記のサイトで確認をする。



  • GitHub Actions を使って成果物を特定のディレクトリにコミットしたい。




Hugo で構築されています。
テーマ StackJimmy によって設計されています。